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Skywatch wind pro anemometer

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(image for) Skywatch wind pro anemometer
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(image for) Skywatch wind pro anemometer
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Skywatch Pro wind meter - anemometer

The new Skywatch windmeter takes over from the JDC Skywatch explorer series with this new rugged hand held wind measuring device. This unit is extremely accurate and has a very small low mass impellor which gives readings in a wide range of conditions, but importantly for paragliding and paramotoring responds rapidly and accurately to gusts, which is not the case with many low cost units from the far east.

Swiss made these are quality items  available in Red White ( swiss model ) or Green

Anemo-thermometer Skywatch Wind pro
-Maximum speed
-Current temperature
-Wind chill temperature

switchable units (km/h, mph, m/s and knots)

extremely long battery life 

  • Model: Skywatch wind pro
  • Shipping Weight: 0.2 Kgs
  • 6 Units in Stock

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